Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So I'm back...

I got back last night, after what my friend Jen would call a "harrowing journey". Haha, it wasn't that bad, although the delayed flight did put a damper on my day. Oh well, what can you do. The flight from London to New York was fine, except for the fact that it took an extra 30 minutes to take off because of the queue and take off order on the jetway. I ended up watching Ice Age 2, V is for Vendetta, and part of She's the Man. They served a decent piece of chicken with noodles and an interesting looking cherry or blueberry dessert thing. I don't know - I spit out the berry looking things. I'd much rather have some of the culinar delights that all the Bells + Stephie have been whipping up.

Then I found out that my flight from New York to San Francisco was delayed. It was nice to touch down on American soil for the sheer fact that now I could use my cell phone for it's included service plan - not an astronomical amount for a 5 minute call. Although, I knew that the moment I set foot back into this country, I was returning to the Monkey President State. If you could see all the European newspaper's photos of Bush with Russian President Putin... you'd be embarrassed too. I'm embarrassed he's our president to begin with, but that's another story. Anyway, I digress. The flight from NY to SF was pretty crappy. The seat were uncomfortable, and all they served on domestic flights now are drinks. I'm very happy I bought a bag of chips and a bottle of water before getting on the plane. I would have died otherwise. So I'm back.

I have other stories and anecdotes to share, as well as pictures. I will try to get those things done by the weekend. But for right now I should eat and do my laundry. Stinky clothes = not fun.

A la prochaine....
| la M?sica | "Plane" by Jason Mraz


At 10:55 AM , Blogger Kiko said...

How can they make hungry people survive off of soda? Sounds pretty lousy to me. What kind of jerk is running the airlines these days? Anyway, welcome baaaaaaaaaack!!!!

At 1:38 PM , Blogger Mercy said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to see pix!

Yeah, I'm pretty horrified with the state of the world at the moment. I watched in disgust a White House press conference today not really knowing what to do. Warmongers.

You might like this guy btw - http://hotzone.yahoo.com/
We should seriously make a documentary about something and shake things up (although Stephie can vouch I need help in the organization dept.)


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